Special Feature Videos

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  1. -27:32

    Part 1 - Grip, Bass Drum Technique, Posture and Positioning.

    We answer some common questions on holding your sticks, using the bass drum pedal, maintaining good posture, and positioning your drums. You can click the title…
  2. -6:34

    Part 2 - Developing Finger Control.

    Simon explains the relationship between fingers and stick control, pointing out common challenges for beginner drummers and opportunities to improve this vital technique area. It is…
  3. -5:44

    Part 3 - Stick Tricks and Showmanship.

    This video shows you how to have fun spinning your drum sticks. Simon also references drummers that tastefully blend showmanship with the most critical task of…
  4. -9:47

    Part 4 - An Introduction to the Traditional Grip.

    Simon demonstrates the traditional grip, including explaining the evolution of this technique, its practical application, and some pointers on how to practice. Some prominent drummers are…
  5. -7:33

    Part 5 - The Core Four Rudiments - Single Strokes.

    Drum set rudiments are a series of sticking patterns that build control on the drum set and help fine-tune your technique. They can also be used…
  6. -5:26

    Part 6 - The Core Four Rudiments - Double Strokes - Slow.

    This video introduces you to one of the most versatile rudiments on the drum set - the double stroke. You can add musicality to your drum…
  7. -5:49

    Part 7 - The Core Four Rudiments - Double Strokes - Fast.

    This episode covers the bounced double, which is the key to faster double strokes, and, ultimately, a double stroke roll. In order to get the most…
  8. -5:06


    The flam is a great rudiment to embellish your drum fills and an excellent stick control exercise. In this video, Simon shows you how to develop…
  9. -5:41


    In the final installment of our "core four" rudiment series, Simon discusses the rudimental drag. Find out how combining a single stroke with a double stroke…
  10. -8:35


    The paradiddle is an excellent opportunity to refine your technique while simultaneously giving you some exciting groove and fill ideas. Since this rudiment is made up…
  11. -6:58

    Part 11 - FLAM ACCENTS.

    Continuing our theme of "the best of the rest," Simon introduces you to the rudimental Flam Accent. This triplet-based rudiment combines flams with single strokes to…
  12. -14:39

    Part 12 - Assembling a Yamaha Stage Custom Birch drum set from the box.

    Using a beautiful Yamaha Stage Custom Birch as our example, we show you the key moments in assembling a drum set directly from the box. From…
  13. -4:27

    Part 13 - Why is reading music notation important?

    Understanding basic music notation will make your learning experience much more productive and set you up for long-term success. Drum Ambition has been designed for students…
  14. -4:05

    Part 14 - Are the drum set rudiments important?

    Conventional drumming wisdom will tell you that mastering the drum set rudiments is essential to becoming a solid and proficient drummer. But how does this view…
  15. -3:42

    Part 15 - Should drumming be painful?

    Most drumming-related aches and pains are a result of bad technique. The good news is that attention to grip, posture, bass drum technique, and drum set…
  16. -4:25

    Part 16 - How do I tune my drums?

    Tuning drums is a skill that can take a long time to develop, and it's a case of trial and error, experiments, and tinkering. There are…
  17. -3:49

    Part 17 - How much should I practice?

    Did you know that 5-10 minutes of focused practice per day can give you some great results over time? We all lead busy lives, and finding…
  18. -3:13

    Part 18 - Is ear protection important?

    Whether you are playing acoustic or electronic drums, being mindful of the volume, and taking the appropriate precautions to protect your hearing is highly recommended. Simon…
  19. -4:00

    Part 19 - Which drum sticks should I use?

    The drum stick classification system can be a little confusing to hobbyist drummers. Finding out which drum sticks suit you best is a matter of experimentation,…
  20. -3:55

    Part 20 - Should drum sticks break?

    Aside from natural wear and tear, the most common cause of breaking drum sticks is a simple gap in technique. How you hold your sticks, how…
  21. -3:24

    Part 21 - What is a click track?

    A click track is a metronome that plays a role in developing good timekeeping. It has uses in drum practice, studio recording, and live production. In…
  22. -2:40

    Part 22 - What is Sticking?

    The key to drum set control is understanding and implementing sticking concepts. In this video blog, Simon explains how sticking concepts can lead to better control…
  23. -3:39

    Part 23 - How do I drum faster?

    We all want to play fast beats and fills and play along to up-tempo songs, but the reality is that speed is a byproduct of control.…
  24. -3:37

    Part 24 - How long does it take to learn the drums?

    How long it takes to learn the drums depends very much on your personal goals. If your goal is to play basic beats and fills, and…
  25. -0:59

    Part 25 - The Ultimate Survival Guide for Beginner Drummers.

    We hope that this series of Special Feature Videos has helped answer many of your questions. You may also like to know that Simon has taken…