
  1. Module 3: Lesson 10

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    Here we are at the end of Module 3, and you have built up quite the impressive percussive armory. If you choose to accept it, your last challenge is to add the “1EA” and “3EA” note groupings and work through all of the different multi-combinations in the 10 extra audio files below. Well done you!

  2. Module 3: Lesson 9

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    By now, you should be getting quite comfortable with these concepts at slow tempos. If not, don’t worry. Take a pause here and concentrate on videos 6-8. This lesson adds the “1E” and “3E” note groupings to the bass drum. The extra ten audio files below give you more examples while reacquainting you with other recently learned note groupings.

  3. Module 3: Lesson 8

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    Let’s play around with the “&A” note grouping because it’s a lot of fun, and you’ll own your bass drum! Remember, in an “alternating” or “open-handed” 16th note hi-hat situation, the bass drum E’s and A’s coincide with a left hand on the hi-hat. With practice, you’ll soon get the hang of it, and there are an extra ten audio files below to help you get this down.

  4. Module 3: Lesson 7

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    The next logical step is adding the “E” to the bass drum. Remember the guidance Simon offered at the start of the last video. If the bass drum is on an “A” or an “E,” it will coincide with your left hand on the hi-hats. Here are five video examples, and in the ten extra audio files below, we mix the “E’s” and “A’s” together for some compelling, musical grooves.

  5. Module 3: Lesson 6

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    Now it’s time to add the same bass drum note groupings you have just done in the last 5 videos, but with a twist. For the first time, certain bass drum notes will be played while playing your left hand on the hi-hat. Simon explains this at the top of the video, with a cool little warm-up exercise. Buckle up – it’s going to be a fun challenge and new coordination! As always, there are 10 extra audio files below… Read More

  6. Module 3: Lesson 4

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    If you are still struggling with two bass beats in quick succession, you might want to focus on the last exercise a little longer. However, if you are ready to press on, we now add the “1E” and “3E” groupings. Here are five video examples to get you started, and another 10 in audio files below. Did we mention the audio files are more complicated? Are you up for the challenge?

  7. Module 3: Lesson 3

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    Why not jump into some more bass drum combinations? There are plenty more possibilities. This lesson combines the “&A” together and creates two bass drum notes in quick succession. It’s critical to practice these slowly and count out loud. Special Feature Video Part 1 can help with developing bass drum technique. Check out the extra ten audio files below.

  8. Module 3: Lesson 2

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    Armed with the knowledge from Module 1, Lesson 17, and the exercises from the last video, it’s time to add them together and create some killer 8th note grooves. These beats are seriously funky – in a great way! Have fun, and don’t forget to count out loud – that’s half the battle. Don’t forget the extra ten audio files below!

  9. Module 3: Lesson 5

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    By now, you will be doing pretty well at playing bass drum notes independent of the hi-hat strikes. It’s very groovy but also very challenging. This triple note grouping on the bass drum completes our 8th note journey for the time being. Don’t forget the audio files below.

  10. Module 3: Lesson 1

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    In Module 1, Lesson 17, we showed you how to add the 16th note “A” to the bass drum while playing 8th note beats. Now it’s time to add the “E” and expand on this concept. Get ready for some challenging coordination and some fun counting! A little excursion back to Module 1 Lesson 17 will be a valuable investment in time if it’s been a while. Also, check out the ten extra audio files below – they are always… Read More