Overcoming barriers to practicing drums (2021 – Updated)
Posted in: BlogDecember 6, 2021We all know that practicing is the key to success on any musical instrument, and the drums are certainly no different. However, some natural barriers can make committing to a regular practice routine quite challenging. Perhaps you don’t have time to practice, are not motivated, or have hit other natural plateaus? Don’t worry. You are not alone, and these are all common scenarios. Drum Ambition is here to help you rise above them and become the drummer we know you… Read More
Practice vs Smart Practice, and why “Noodling” is essential (2021 – Updated)
Posted in: BlogNovember 25, 2021When practicing the drums, do you struggle to balance fun practice and effective task-orientated practice? Ideally, an element of both is a great idea. With 2022 just around the corner, our thoughts can often turn to customary new year’s resolutions. For beginner and hobbyist drummers, that can mean a conscious decision to practice more. Like any musical instrument, practice is the key to improvement and vital to long-term success. Don’t worry or be downhearted if you are not where you… Read More
Video Blog Episode 12 – How long does it take to learn the drums?
Posted in: BlogMarch 19, 2019How long it takes to learn the drums depends very much on your personal goals. If your goal is to play basic beats and fills, and play along with slow to mid-tempo songs, then just 5-10 minutes of focused practice per day will get you there after a few weeks of playing. Like any musical instrument, you get out what you put in, and your practice time, and the quality of practice will ultimately lead to the fulfillment of your… Read More